Tuesday, March 26, 2013

On Time Tuesdays: Bates Motel Drinking Game

It's only been two episodes but there are already a few patterns in Bates Motel. Since this show is shaping up to be delightfully nutty buckets, why not come up with a game to make the watching experience even more social?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

On Time Tuesdays: Bates Motel

Last night, A & E aired the first episode of their new show Bates Motel. If it's not obvious already from the title, Bates Motel is an update (in more ways than one) of Alfred Hitchcock's classic film Psycho. The show looked pretty promising from the teasers and overall I was pretty pleased with the first episode. With such familiar subject matter, I was expecting Bates Motel to be, if not exactly predictable, at least a touch formulaic. There's definitely a lot going on in the show's world already, and it managed to be surprising and fresh even with such well known characters.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Building Stories: Choose Your Own Adventure for Adults

Towards the end of last year, I started to hear about a new "graphic novel" called Building Stories. The basic description is that it's about the lives of the residents in an apartment complex in Chicago, a seemingly straight forward work of literary fiction with pictures. However, Building Stories isn't quite so simple; it features not only a non-traditional narrative structure but a non-traditional physical one as well. The reason why I'm hesitant to classify Building Stories as simply a novel (graphic or otherwise) is because it's not just a single object that you can hold in one hand and read from cover to cover. There are a lot of covers, and lot of things without covers, in Building Stories. Author Chris Ware has put together his narrative through fourteen separate items contained in a larger, sturdy box rather than between two pieces of cardboard.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Oz the Great and Smarmy

For once I actually got out to a movie in a timely fashion--opening weekend no less! This so rarely happens lately, and I've developed a considerable list of movies that I need to catch up on once they hit Netflix. I think I will have to give up on sleeping if I ever want to watch them all. So how disappointing that one of the rare times that I actually saw a movie within a week of its release, it was such a disappointment, while I continue to miss out on a lot of really amazing films on the big screen.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Shows That Make You Hide Behind The Couch: The Awesome Rise of Horror TV

I am a horror fan. I've mentioned some of my scary literary faves already, but lately I've been getting most of my shocks on the small screen. When I was growing up, the only horror TV shows I remember were the occasional Stephen King mini-series (Rose Red has given me a yearning to visit the Winchester Mystery House someday), but in the last few years genre television has trickled down from networks like HBO and Showtime onto more standard cable channels like AMC and FX and now even onto network stations. Some of them are amongst my favorite shows on TV right now. Others are... less successful.